June Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The crew of the USS Tiger A successfully completed their mission to rescue the Tholian scientists from K’tharkk Station. Having returned the Tholians to their space, the crew found themselves
May Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The USS Tiger, NCC-52199-A was responding to two distress signals in deep in the Ithassa Triangle, an area legendary for its strange occurrences. Upon arrival they found a Free Trade
April Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The second mission and the maiden voyage of the newly commissioned USS Tiger-A has brought the ship and crew to a sector of the Ithassa region known as the “triangle”.
March Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The crew of the USS Tiger-A have left Deep Space 17 on their maiden voyage, assigned to deep space exploration, heading for uncharted areas of the Ithassa Region, near and
February Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The unknown lifeform near Eratis, the neturon star in the Ithassa Region, continued to drain energy creating a crisis not only for DS17 and the USS Tiger, but for the
January Plot Summary: USS Tiger-A
The USS Tiger-A crew’s team building mission to Camelot on the holodeck was cut short by the appearance of a strange new lifeform near the neutron star Eratis. The entity
December Plot Summary For The USS Tiger-A
After the unveiling of the new USS Tiger-A, its crew participated in a team building exercise in the holodeck. The mission centered around King Arthur and Camelot with each crew
Independence-A/Tiger-A Plot Summary For November
The crew of the USS Independence-A started the month under attack by three Klingon ships in the Mirror Universe. They were forced to abandon ship and commandeer the abandoned USS
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Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
Lower Decks: Civilian Science Liaison Samantha Richards, Amity Outpost
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