
Distress call from pirates aboard SS Thornwater disrupts Constitution shore leave
STARBASE 101 – With life returning to normalcy, Commodore Rajel set up a party in The Saloon, only to be interrupted by a distress call from three of their own.

Chief of Science missing after science experiment on the Constitution gone wrong
MARCHLANDS, STARBASE 104 – An eventful shore leave left little time for the crew to catch their breath, and the fateful crash of burn in Science was only one of

An end to artificial happiness and a genuinely happy ending
DAAKA COLONY, DAAKA – Thanks to the medical team, the dangerously blissful pheromones are dealt with and the Xindi-Aquatics have a path forward.

A perilous joy overcomes the Xindi-Aquatic wedding ceremony
DAAKA COLONY, DAAKA – With the important wedding ceremony mere hours away, Xindi-Aquatics and Starfleet officers alike start to behave strangely.

Everyone is having fun on the Constitution-B
DAAKA, MARCHLANDS – The day of the most important state wedding among Xindi Aquatics in this generation has arrived.

Calm waters on Daaka for the USS Constitution-B
DAAKA, MARCHLANDS – The Xindi-Aquatics of Daaka have been kind enough to allow the senior officers of the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B) unprecedented access to their colony as the typically reclusive

Aquatic Xindi play host to Constitution crew for future leader’s wedding
DAAKA, MARCHLANDS – As the crew of the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B) finalised their preparations and their newly overhauled Aquashuttles descended into the waters of Daaka, they found themselves among an

Constitution out to improve Aquatic Federation relationships
MARCHLANDS — The crew of the USS Constitution-B (NCC-9012-B) is nearly prepared —or as prepared as they can be— to deliver the Xindi-Aquatic bridegroom to the wedding ceremony on Daaka,

Aquatic updates for the USS Constitution
STARBASE 104 – USS Constitution-B crew prepare for the depths of an aquatic wedding.

USS Constitution plays a vital role in Aquatic Xindi wedding
STARBASE 104 – The crew of the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B) is invited to their first underwater mission as part of an aquatic state wedding. Commodore Jalana Rajel gave a long
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StarBase 118 Ops honours crew for heroic actions against rogue AI

USS Khitomer recalled for classified refit amid war efforts

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV
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Love in the Fleet: Advice for Writing In Character Relationships

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