Tracey Townson

Picture of Tracey Townson

Tracey Townson

A Time of Myth and A Land of Magic

This week, due to the pagan ritual where little children take over the streets and demand goodies from strangers  while dressed as ghosts, goblins and superheroes, we will be thinking

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Time Well Spent!

Well I’m back! Back from the crazy last few months which had kept me from SIMming regularly. Crossing my fingers, I am hoping things are much more settled and that

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A Matter of Faith

As I have watched the episodes of Star Trek through the years, as with almost all Sci Fi shows, books and movies, there is a deeply ingrained secular, humanistic approach

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An Unwinnable Scenario

One thing that remains constant in both the original Star Trek as well as the JJ universe of Star Trek is the use of the Kobyashi Maru test. Last year,

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Music to Your Ears

As I grew up, I remember the television being on and as the clock would hit the bottom or the top of the hour, the sounds from the television would

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Have You Seen Em’ All?

I have had a busy week. Between family issues and work related issues, my free time is almost non-existent. Just coming home every day and sitting would lead quickly to

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POtW: Crossing Over

Over the course of the last weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the Comic and SciFi festival here in my home town. And yes, after being coerced to do

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The Next Nemesis

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go see the latest Star Trek incarnation at the theater, and after a few months release, I must say the crowds have thinned

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Should I Stay or Should I Go

Where I live, there are those who are looking forward to a local comic and science fiction convention that is coming up. As such, I have been considering attending. Even

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Poll of the Week: What to Wear?

Over the course of the many years we have watched Star Trek, we have witnessed many different uniform variations, starting from the original pilot episode starring Jeffrey Hunter, to those

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