Tracey Townson

Picture of Tracey Townson

Tracey Townson

Happy Hour!

This week we’re celebrating the awesome creation known as “Happy Hour”.  An idea dreamed up to quench the thirst of those who like to party way too early. Or at

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Auld Lang Syne

Each year we look to the next as hopefully being better and brighter than the last. We learn from our experiences as the years slip away and as as we

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Free Gadget for Everyone!

Its holiday season people. So that means shopping…shopping and more shopping. Now me, I love to shop. But not so much when the rest of the world has the same

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He’s Dead Jim!

All of us have had to go through academy training the become officers in our group. Whether it is a Fleet Captain down to the newly enlisted Ensign, we all

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Would You…?

I must say this week has not been the most exciting for me. Perhaps its the onset of winter’s full-blast where I live, or I’ve sub-consciously given my liver a

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Replicate This!

A few weeks ago, while surfing the internet, I came across an amazing invention. The invention I have come across is a 3D printer. For those who are unaware of

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Once a Year

For me, this week is a special week. My birthday is coming up, and yes, I plan to celebrate.  Each year all of us share this one special day annually,

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How Would They React?

Almost every week, our group receives an influx of new recruits onto our team of SIMmers. New SIMmers become new characters for which to interact with on various ships. These

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The Baddest of the Bad

Get out your party hats, or should I say protective helmets, because this week we will be looking at those characters who have played havoc on the various crews of

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