USS Mercury
April for the Mercury and Drake
USS Mercury The rescue of Eyas Wulfantine’s mother was a success, but the senior staff of the Mercury was left with the not-so-minimal task of sneaking back to the Menthar
February for the USS Mercury
As January ended, the Mercury’s away teams returned from the abandoned DSX with the mystery mostly solved, but with some unanswered questions — for example, the nature of Corporal Sian
January for the USS Mercury
The away teams on DSX faced escalating troubles in addition to their search for the missing SCE crewmen when Eta Corvi sent out a coronal mass ejection. Although the Mercury
The Mercury Through December
December found the Mercury crew on leave at Starbase 118 with the crews of Ops and the Apollo, allowing them some much-needed downtime. However, almost directly following the ribbon and
November Plot Summary: USS Mercury
Once the crew of the Mercury determined where the captives had gone, acting CO Arden Cain ordered an away team down to the planet’s interior to rescue them. Things did
Congratulations to Commander Cain
The Captains Council of UFoP: StarBase 118 is pleased to announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Arden Cain to the Rank of commander. Commander Cain serves aboard the USS Mercury as
October Plot Summary: USS Mercury
The sudden disappearance of Captain Kells, Councilor Prianna, and the rest was only the beginning as the mysterious abductors vanished from the system almost undetected. Initial attempts to track the
September Plot Summary: USS Mercury
The Mercury, with Cardassian Detapa Council Member Prianna and her staff aboard, rendezvoused with the Apollo at Betazed early in the month, and Captain Jaxx shared with Cmdr. Kells the
August Plot Summary: USS Mercury
Following the conclusion of their mission to explore and stabilize the derelict station, the Mercury stayed on station for the arrival of SCE reps and equipment for the revitalization of
July Plot Summary: USS Mercury
The crew of the USS Mercury has continued their exploration of the derelict space station in orbit above Eta Corvi IV. Interactions with the amphibious and pre-warp Corvian race have
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Award winner – Evan Ross, OPs (Blk Cross- Intel.)
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