USS Mercury
June Plot Summary: USS Mercury
The beginning of June found the crew of the USS Mercury on shore leave, and while some chose to enjoy the uninhabited tropical ocean world they’d discovered in the Menthar
May Plot Summary: USS Mercury
As the USS Mercury, NCC-99812, began its pursuit of the Borg-ified USS Nimitz with its escort of three Cardassian warships, CO Miles Unum was also recalled. XO Arden Cain took
Taking Command: Commander Aron Kells, USS Mercury
With Commander Miles Unum taking a Leave of Absence due to a career change, the USS Mercury now has a new commanding officer. Commander Aron Kells has reported for duty!
Mercury Rising: Commander Miles Unum
There is always a call to duty that all Starfleet officers must heed. We all must honor the call to duty. An honored officer has retired and another has been called to
January Plot Summary: USS Mercury
The USS Mercury NCC-99812 has been assigned a temporary Cardassian liaison officer, Gul Kerena Vetak, who has been assigned to observe the way that a Federation starship crew conducts missions
The Launch of the USS Mercury
On December 5th, newly promoted Captain Tallis Rhul and the former crew of the USS Ronin launched aboard the USS Mercury, StarBase 118’s first Oracle-class vessel. Captain Tallis was kind enough
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Latest Mission Reports
Crew of USS Constitution faces possible sabotage
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Award winner – Evan Ross, OPs (Blk Cross- Intel.)
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