
Ronin Plot Summary for September

After successfully sabotaging a joint Orion/Scarlet Brotherhood shipyard deep within the turbulent region of space known as the Badlands, the crew of the USS Ronin NCC-34523 have been granted some

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Ronin plot summary for August

The USS Ronin NCC-34523 has been recommissioned after a refit following her recent tour of duty. With the crew largely made up of two recently decommissioned vessels, the settling-in process

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Shipwide Chat for the USS Ronin

The first shipwide chat for the newly relaunched USS Ronin has been scheduled for this coming Saturday, Sept 17th, at 3pm EST (Noon Pactific time, 7pm GMT) on our site’s chat

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Fleet Changes

As of Tuesday, August 9th, the USS Challenger-A and USS Constitution-B are being merged into one crew under the command of Cmdr. Tallis Rhul, who is starting his Captaincy Exam

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Ronin plot summary for February

The ongoing negotiations between the Breen and the Romulans at Tyberius VII became increasingly heated, and pushed crew of the USS Ronin to their limits. When a facility containing aid

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Ronin plot summary for January

The USS Ronin has responded to a distress call from the Breen colony on Tyberius VII. In the wake of the Hobus Star supernova, the Breen find themselves in the

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Ronin plot summary for December

After the capture of the freighter where the children of the USS Ronin, NCC-34523, were being held, the two away teams found that it was a holodeck with traps designed

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Ronin plot summary for November

Following an attack during the Remembrance parade on Deep Space 17, Commander Toni Turner’s children, along with another officer’s son and the USS Ronin’s school teacher, were kidnapped. Responding initially

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