USS Atlantis Recalled To Earth After An Extended Stay At Illara Prime
ILLARA PRIME, PAR’THA EXPANSE — The USS Atlantis (NCC-74682) has departed Illara Prime for the Jentaris Corridor and onto Earth, following a sudden recall. Emotions appear to be high in
Atlantis Enjoys Shore Leave Following A Series Of Attacks At Freeworlds Trade Conference
ILLARA PRIME, PAR’THA EXPANSE — After ending their involvement in the investigation, the crew of the USS Atlantis (NCC-74682) began a period of rest and recuperation.
Atlantis Crew Investigates Allegations Of Espionage At Freeworlds Trade Conference
ILLARA PRIME, PAR’THA EXPANSE — Power fluctuations and opportunists swarm as the crew of USS Atlantis investigate allegations of a spy at the Freeworlds Trade Conference.
Atlantis Crew Attends First Freeworlds Conference
ILLARA PRIME, PAR’THA EXPANSE — After a successful shipwide drill, Commander Jarred Thoran and crew received an invitation to participate in the first Freeworlds Conference.
Crew of Atlantis Fighting Off Intruders During Battle Exercise
PALDOR SYSTEM — While conducting training exercises in the asteroid belt around the Paldor System, USS Atlantis has been boarded by several intruders.
Amidst Various Shore Leave Activities, Atlantis Holds A Memorial Service And Celebrates A New Life
PAR’THA EXPANSE — Having aided the planet of Tibro, the crew of the USS Atlantis enjoy shore leave activities as they make their way back to their homeport.
Quarantine Protocols In Effect After A Mysterious Sickness Falls Over Tibro
TIBRO — With a deadly outbreak ravaging the capital of Keibrom, the crew of the USS Atlantis (NCC-74682) begin the desperate search for a cure and their missing Captain.
USS Atlantis Assists The Valcarian Imperial Republic With A Sudden Outbreak During Val Tesai
TIBRO – While at Tibro to celebrate a winter festival, a deadly outbreak prompts the crew of the USS Atlantis to offer assistance.
USS Atlantis Crew Honored For Rescue Operation On Paldor II
PAR’THA EXPANSE – Captain Jarred Thoran and the crew of the Federation starship Atlantis are honoured for saving the planet of Paldor II from planet-wide calamity threatening the lives of
USS Atlantis Crew Lands On Paldor II Following Large Rescue Operation
PAR’THA EXPANSE – Following the resolution of a grave threat to both Deep Space 26 and the planet Paldor II, the Federation Starship Atlantis began establishing a relief center on
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Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
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