GAMMA ORIONIS – Following a successful evacuation, the USS Constitution-B leaves an abandoned outpost and heads for home.
Dispatched by Starfleet Logistics, the Constitution-B was tasked to deliver supplies to a civilian research outpost, whose stores had been devastated recently by unusually strong seismic activity. Shortly after arriving, the crew discovered a Category 5 storm bearing down on the Gamma Orionis VIb research outpost. Due to the extensive damage the outpost had already suffered and the ferocity of the storm, Captain Jalana Rajel decided to evacuate the outpost staff.
The evacuation of survivors was complicated by the inaccessible location of the outpost, the hostile nature of the moon’s fauna and the worsening weather, but was completed in record time by the rescue teams. The full resources of the ship’s medical facilities were called on to treat the numerous injured evacuees. Several critical cases required specialized care as the medical team struggled to cope with the onslaught.
“It was a rough one. I still haven’t given Jalana the final numbers,” Doctor Edward Spears, Chief Medical Officer, was heard to comment. “And we still don’t know the final tally for those left behind either.”
On board the Constitution, a collaboration of Starfleet and civilian scientists studied the weather phenomena on Gamma Orionis VIb, using a combination of long-range scans and data gathered by the research outpost, concluding that the gas giant around which the desert moon was in orbit had a significant impact on the moon’s weather.
Aside from being an important addition to interstellar meteorology, the discovery allowed the prediction of a suitable window for clean up teams to return to the moon, stabilize the structures, and recover the dead. The highlight of the clean-up efforts was the location of one additional survivor, who was able to be retrieved and treated.
The Vulcan Science Academy, one of the main sponsors of the civilian research outpost, issued a formal statement expressing regret over the injuries and loss of life, and the loss of the research opportunities that the outpost had represented. The gas giant, Gamma Orionis VI, is in the process of collapsing into a brown dwarf, and the outpost was established one standard year ago to study this process.
Written by Saveron
USS Constitution-B Evacuation Attempts Successful, Science Stymied
USS Constitution-B Evacuation Attempts Successful, Science Stymied
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