Feature Articles

2401 Fleet Census and Survey

It’s that time again! This year’s census is ready, and we’ve added a new accompanying survey. Enjoy an overview of our fleet and some fun data that will help us

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What It Takes: Awards Ceremony

Every year in June, SB118 celebrates its annual Awards ceremony. But what, exactly, is involved in putting this together? While a good many of us take the time to write

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Featured Founder: Elinor of Kanist

For the 2397 Fleetwide awards ceremony, StarBase 118 unveiled a new award aimed at recognizing the highest level of staff in our organization. The Elinor of Kanist Order of Excellence

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Ship Closeup – USS Narendra

“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.” The Narendra’s official motto pays homage to her legacy, but her Klingon

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We are a free, fun, and friendly community of Star Trek fans who write collaborative fiction together. It’s easy to join – we’ll teach you everything you need to know!

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OOC Activities

Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.