Feature Articles

“Life in Starfleet”

Did you know that UFOP:SB118 won the STGames’s Star Trek RPG Players’ Choice Award in both 2007 and 2008? UFOP’s own Toni Turner took the opportunity that the win offered

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Podcast episode 2, now online!

Episode 2 of the Official UFOP: SB118 Podcast is now online! Learn more at the podcast area of our website, and discuss the podcast on our forums. No iPod needed

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Podcast debut!

Episode 1 of the Official UFOP: SB118 Podcast has debuted! Learn more at the podcast area of our website, and discuss the podcast on our forums. No iPod needed —

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Taking Cues from Lost

*Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers about season 1 of the television show Lost.* Lost became an instant sensation when it first aired on ABC, both a critical and popular

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