Star Trek Forum Relaunched

Star Trek Forum Relaunched

Do you love to talk Trek? Have no fear; we now have the perfect place to do so! Our very own StarBase 118 forums now feature a devoted Star Trek forum. This forum was relaunched recently and features a great variety of topics. Everything from up and coming Star Trek media to fun and funny Star Trek websites can be discussed here.
The board subforum categories include: the shows and movies; fiction and fan based works; ships and treknology; Star Trek gaming and Star Trek on the web. There is also a general forum for any other Star Trek discussion. You can find everything from how to make your own Star Trek costume to the best new Star Trek webcomics – and more!
Come check out the discussion! You can invite your friends to join in, and this forum is open to new players who have not yet gone through the academy. We would love to have you join the fun!
You can find our Star Trek forum here:

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We are a free, fun, and friendly community of Star Trek fans who write collaborative fiction together. It’s easy to join – we’ll teach you everything you need to know!

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