June 2013
Podcast 2390-3 Released!
The new episode has been released! For those of you that want would like to listen online, check out our release on the StarBase 118 YouTube channel! Whilst we recognize

Promotions for May
The staff of UFOP: StarBase 118 would like to take a moment and recognize the officers promoted in the month of May. Please take a moment to congratulate them when
May for the USS Apollo
The crew of the USS Apollo, NCC-71669, is enjoying shore leave on Izar, home to Starfleet’s Tactical School. Each member of the crew has found something to interest them during
Poll of the Week: Don’t leave me hanging
This week we are back with a poll suggested to us by Lieutenant Jorus Cogud of the USS Discovery. Quite often when it comes to television series, besides from the
May for the USS Mercury
As the Mercury’s shore leave at DSX came to a close, the crew was stunned when Captain Kells’s accident of years prior aboard the Ring was repeated, and three different
May Recruitment Stats
Each month, the Publicity Team posts the number of applications our community received for the current year and how those applicants found our group. That summary will give you an
A Reminder About Security and Privacy
Now that we’ve recovered from the epic hacking that hijacked our website for weeks and caused us to move servers and lock down our web presence like Ft. Knox, I

New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Alexander Williams, Gor ud Gutta, Jack Stavins, Enabren.
May for the Duronis II Embassy
The situation on Duronis II had not improved since the crew of the USS Thunder NCC 70605-A had last been planet side. Fleet Captain Toni Turner and Commander Alucard Vess
FNN Update: Freighter Crisis on 118
On Federation Starbase 118, in the Trinity sector, at the crossroads of Klingon, Federation, and Romulan territories, a crisis has arisen that could cost thousands of lives. An independent freighter
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

StarBase 118 Ops honours crew for heroic actions against rogue AI

USS Khitomer recalled for classified refit amid war efforts

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV
Latest News

Love in the Fleet: Advice for Writing In Character Relationships

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.