The starship Victory is currently in orbit around the planet Pelham IV. The planet is at this moment diplomatically unstable and the formation of several rebel factions threaten peace planet wide. Victory has responded to the request of the planet’s Prime Minister Algon to assist in evacuating and treating wounded from both sides as a neutral party to prevent further hostilities and a possible war.
Two away teams were formed, one medical team and one science team. The science team was sent down to investigate an unknown and ancient structure. Investigation of a pyramid followed immediately after consulting with the Captain. The science team was to take care of any medical situation.
The science team came under attack by an unknown force. Forced to withdraw and flee towards the bunker they all nearly died. Thanks to the well prepared team members, they managed to get away without any seriously wounded. Upon their arrival at the rendezvous point, many dead bodies were found and it seemed the local rebel leader had vanished.
The science team suddenly disappeared into thin air after searching the bunker and near vicinity. Ever since that there has been no contact between them and the Victory or the medical for that matter.
Commander Parker, and the science team were soon beamed inside the pyramid structure to investigate further. They found a holographic message created by the ancestors of the Pelham IV people.
Thanks to genius engineering by Lieutenant Solan and Ensign Dominus, Commander Parker was able to send the message on a global scale.
The message contained information about the ancient civilization on Pelham IV. It appeared their ancestors were far more advanced then the current inhabitants of the planet. Ironically, technology became their downfall since they were tempted to use their technology for war and mass destruction. The warning from the past had its effect on the inhabitants of Pelham IV.
A cultural shock is lurking as some unsure citizens flee to the streets in anger and fear. How else the warning from the past has its effect on the already pre war like situation remains to be seen. As well as the fait of team Phoenix, who still has not reported into the ship. Team Parker has been ordered to search for the missing crew, strengthened in numbers by Lieutenant JG. Rocket who had been send down to assist.