August 31, 2005
Protecting your Privacy
The information age brings us in to contact with many hundreds, perhaps thousands of other people every year via the internet. It is unavoidable that we will eventually come across
Promotions for July
Please congratulate the following officers on their promotions! Marcus Dickens to Lieutenant JG, Anthony Losett Creed to Lieutenant JG, Salak to Lieutenant JG, Joran Tavex to Lieutenant JG, Te
New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet! Sam Campbell, Nathan Lewis, Jonathan Shelton, Daniel Bayles, Ava Kelley, Jason Miller, Jacen Fanel, Traci Keplar,
Monthly Ship Summary: Independence
The crew of the USS Independence, NCC-01776 is currently on leave aboard DS17.
Monthly Ship Summary: Kodiak
Three light years from DS17, USS Kodiak, NCC-800101-B successfully neutralized Omega Particles created by a secret Tzenkethi research colony.
Monthly Ship Summary: Morningstar
With the successful launch of the USS Morningstar, NCC-81269, the crew has been given their first mission.
Monthly Ship Summary: Steadfast
The crew of the USS Steadfast, NCC-31999-A have been sent on a mission to the Federation Research Colony on Bersalis III.
Monthly Ship Summary: Constitution
This month the USS Constitution-B, NCC-9012-B crew has had a difficult time on Kepos Prime. This planet is to be the first Federation colony within the Delta Quadrant. The crew
Monthly Ship Summary: Embassy
Having finished a shore leave picnic in Govinda Province with friends and family, the Embassy Tilhon senior staff returned to work to work the next morning to be confronted with
Monthly Ship Summary: Ops
Still without their memories, some the crew continues on course with the revolt. While the people from the kingdom fight against the Lord’s soldiers the XO, CSO and CMO, who
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Latest Mission Reports
Multiple Members of USS Ronin crew trapped throughout time amidst temporal incident at B’hala
The Chin’toka Takes On New Possible Threat In The Partha Expanse
Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
Latest News
Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.