July 10, 2005
New Guilds Forming
The Guild of Trills, and the Guild of El-Aurians are both attempting to form on the forums, and are looking for members. If you play a character of either species,
State of the News Taskforce
We’re now up to date with past posting of news articles for the sake of the archives. Anything you see after this is a new article.
Ship Report – Duronis II Embassy
Taking a number of Laundean scientists onboard the Nova-Class starship USS Resolution, the Embassy staff ought to have completed a routine short trip to gather readings on the Duronis system
Fantasy Football
This is a calling to all NFL fantasy football players, as well as those interested in the fantasy football, in UFOP: Starbase 118.
Ship report – Starbase Ops
After the stress of the last mission of the last mission the crew enjoyed a well-deserved break which centered on a promotion evening.
Ship Report: Titan
The Titan crew has successfully retaken station graveyard.
Ship Report: Constitution
It is said that the one constant in the universe is CHANGE. That certainly was true for the crew of the USS Constitution.
Ship report: Atlantis
Greene, Sabdok, Soul and Mondana were assigned to the away mission to Midway Station.
Ship report: Columbia
Captain Avatar and Captain Hurne after meeting on the Victory following the promotion ceremony of Robin Phoenix to full Commander discussed an apparent clandestine attempt by a race known as
Ship Report: Steadfast
The U.S.S. Steadfast, having had its saucer section destroyed by the Breen, has been in refit operations at SB118.
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