Duronis II Embassy

April Featured Bio Winner
Chief Science Officer Alexander Richards of the USS Gemini was born in Tycho City, Lunar Colony. Whilst studying the sciences at Oxford University, Alexander had a paper published on applied warp mechanics past, present and
January Plot Summary for the Duronis II Embassy
It is a time to rest and recuperate for the crew of the USS Thunder NCC-70605-A. With the arrival of their new liaison to the Laudean government, Ambassador Della Vetri
December Plot Summary for the Duronis II Embassy
With LtCmdr Nugra’s team onboard the space station and Major Hannibal Parker’s team on board the derelict Klingon D7, they both worked to dim the hazards they faced. Parker’s team
November for the Duronis II Embassy
With Fleet Captain Toni Turner on self-imposed medical leave, she left Commander Alucard Vess and Lt. Commander Nugra in charge of taking the command chairs of the USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
October Plot Summary for the Duronis II Embassy
Time moves on for the crew of the USS Thunder NCC 70605-A. The mourning of Ambassador Tallis Rhul and the victory over the bluegills made it bittersweet. With approval of
September Plot Summary for the Duronis II Embassy
Survival was the highest priority on everybodys mind as the quiet war between the Bluegills and the USS Thunder NCC 70605-A turned into a loud and bloody fight to live.
Duronis II Embassy Plot Summary for August
The truth about the unrest on Til’ahn has finally been revealed for the crew of the USS Thunder NCC-70605-A. A infamous parasite long kept secret from everybody, but those in
Duronis II Embassy Plot Summary for July
Peace has finally come to the crew of the USS Thunder NCC-70605-A. The Laudean unrest has begun to calm down, but not completely eradicated. What has captured the crews attention
June for the Duronis II Embassy
When it came to the civil unrest on Duronis II, the situation for the crew of the USS Thunder NCC 70605-A had not improved. After the loss of Lt Cmdr
May for the Duronis II Embassy
The situation on Duronis II had not improved since the crew of the USS Thunder NCC 70605-A had last been planet side. Fleet Captain Toni Turner and Commander Alucard Vess
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