Science News
Strange New Worlds: Back To Gliese 581c
The writers and producers of Star Trek gave us fantastic views of worlds we could only imagine. But, as our observational technology improves,science is discovering that some of the planets
Mission to Mars: Beating Menu Fatigue
Did you know that menu fatigue presents a real problem for long term spaceflight? Throughout the years since man first traveled into space, food and mealtimes have been one of
Real Planets Stranger Than Science Fiction Part 1
There is nothing like a planet made of ice that could send the chills through your spine, unless of course, you are an Andorian. So just imagine, a planet completely
Presidential Hopeful Promises the Moon
What would you do if you could, quite realistically, take a trip to the moon? If the US Presidential contender, Republican Newt Gingrich gets his way, that’s exactly what we’ll
Ten Million Dollar XPrize Contest Kicks Off
Want an extra ten million dollars in your pocket? Well, it’s up for grabs – and all you have to do is design a working tricorder. The newest X-Prize contest
ISS Tour!
It’s the closest thing to actually being in space. This amazing tour of the International Space Station, hosted by Jeff Williams, has been posted in glorious high-definition video for your
Space Does Not Work That Way, Pt II
Space… the final frontier. This is the second in a series of articles regarding common misconceptions about space. The first of its number dealt with the vast distances involved when
Space Does Not Work That Way, Pt I
Space… the final frontier. Ahh, what a wonderfully misunderstood place space is. Although the function of UFOP: Starbase 118 is to write Star Trek fanfiction, we don’t require any Trek
The Future of Spaceflight
Space travel is closer than you may think. And while we may not be warping into the future quite yet, Virgin Galactic is making sure that we all keep an
Two Moons
After lots of tests and computer model runs astronomers Martin Jutzi and Erik Asphaug came up with the scenario to explain why the moon’s far side have so much more
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Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
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Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
Lower Decks: Civilian Science Liaison Samantha Richards, Amity Outpost
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