March 2022

Following pirate raid, Juneau rushes to the Grace Hopper’s aid
RING 42 — Shortly after the Juneau left Ring 42 for their next operation, they received a distress signal from the USS Grace Hopper, claiming that they had been assaulted

Federation News Service Briefing: Stardate 239903
The Federation News Service is a spinoff of the StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG, reporting news headlines from across the United Federation of Planets to Federation citizens, along with

New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest Academy graduates to the Starbase 118 fleet: Valin Dermont and Julan Voleer!

Vidiian ship attacked as Delta Quadrant inhabitants object to their presence at Science Expo
BAROSSA SECTOR – At Amity Outpost in the Delta Quadrant, Ambassador Rivi Vataix is dealing with her first diplomatic crisis. The “Kathesis Pact,” a stellar alliance of Mislenites, Nygeans, and

Captain’s Corner –Mei’konda Delano, USS Chin’toka
Each month, we interview a captain or first officer of the fleet to gain more insight on what it takes to command a ship and learn more about how each

Gamma Quadrant Okaea Research Outpost silenced; Thor investigates
OKAEA RESEARCH OUTPOST — The Okaea Research Outpost recently missed two obligatory check-in reports and has not replied to communication attempts. A Federation presence was dispatched to investigate, as is

Shake Up in the Sheliak Corporate could mean war for the Federation
ALPHA ISLES – MERCIA IV — The Sheliak have initiated plans to use metagenic weapons on the trading planet of Mercia IV. Starfleet responds.

Officers on Starbase 118 enjoy much needed shore leave, ending with a scientific curiosity
STARBASE 118 OPS – After Terra Prime left both physical and mental wounds on those who tried to stop them, crew members were given additional time to recuperate and ponder.

Award winner – Serala, USS Chin’toka (Strange Medallion)
Join us for another in a series of interviews with winners of awards from our recent 2021 Awards Ceremony. Our goal is to give you insight into how our fleet’s

Triumphant and Sasu Gol found adrift in space, Gorkon investigates
TYRELLIAN SPACE — Tracking the escape pod containing sole survivor Mort Halat through the reported Subspace Rift has left the USS Gorkon facing two ships adrift and seemingly derelict.
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV

Civilian reporter joins USS Chin’toka, stirring controversy

USS Artemis Returns to Deep Space 224 for Shore Leave
Latest News

Award Winner – Is’Kah Xiron, Chin’toka (Xalor Clan Xifilis Award)

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.