Welcome to our first June ceremony, marking our 20th anniversary of this awards ceremony tradition. While our group was founded in 1994, our first ceremony was held in 1996, bringing together the whole fleet for an In Character celebration. Since then, we’ve seen the addition of dozens of new awards, a transition to Out Of Character presentations, and in this latest change, a move from the traditional December presentation to June, to coincide with the yearly anniversary of our founding.
It’s time to turn your heads to the red carpet as we begin this week-long event, where we’ll present to the fleet five categories of awards:
- Duty Post: Honoring the best simmer from each duty post
- Special: Honoring specific aspects of simming or OOC work
- Length of Service: Honoring members who have been with us for a year, all the way up to 10 years and more
- Staff: Honoring the work of our fleet’s staff members
- Contest and General: Honoring the members who’ve won contests throughout the year, as well as those who won this year’s General, or ship-based awards
We have 10 simming superstars in the Duty Post category to get us started in style. Each award focuses on a different department, from the major ones such as medical, operations or engineering to the more unique, like diplomacy, intel or marines. Even civilians have a chance to be recognised for the valuable contributions that can be made to our stories by those who prefer the path less worn.
Each of these awards recognises a player for excellence in simming their duty post. Since only one award per duty post is given each year, only the very best are chosen and they are highly coveted awards. You’ll see from our spread of winners – who range in rank from Ensign to Captain – that every player has a chance to be considered for one of these by consistently simming to the best of their ability and striving to improve their craft.
Find out who this year’s duty post super stars are by heading to the forums, where you can read about and congratulate our talented award recipients.