Species Spotlight: Caitians

“That sound… it is so pleassant. Caan you not hearr it?” The feline Caitian species hails from the Regulan system in the Beta Quadrant, and have been prominent members of the

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SDC Spotlight: Tholians

The Tholians have long been one of the most interesting of the original series alien species, one that over the years has been elaborated on and added to in both

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SDC Progress

The SDC (Species Development Committee) has been hard at work slowly revitalizing the master ILI list on our very own wiki. The ILI is a list of all the species

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SDC Spotlight: Tellarites

“Tellarites do not argue for a reason, they simply argue.” (Sarek of Vulcan, 2268) Tellarites have been a vital part of the history of Starfleet and of the Federation as

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SDC Spotlight: Zakdorn

The Zakdorn are a playable species, one with the unusual reputation of being the best strategists in the universe. As a result they have not been challenged by any other

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SDC Spotlight: Zaranites

The Zaranites are a playable species. They were conquered by humans who had fled Earth after World War III. They were able to overcome this, regaining their own independence. Prior

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Species Development Interview

Today we are with Commander Tal Tel-ar. Leader of the Species Development Committee. This group deals with creating new alien races to enter our little corner of the Star Trek

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