
We’re launching a ship: USS Apollo-A returns
Exciting news: We’re launching a ship this week to make room for an influx of new members! In addition to two returning members, we had 13 applications from a viral

June plot summary for the USS Gemini
After battling the Klingons, the USS Gemini, NCC-80564, made its way back to StarBase 118 for repairs. While they were docked, the crew enjoyed their leave. The crew was all
April Plot Summary: USS Apollo
After discovering an inactive Borg scout ship within the hold of an Altoran freighter, the crew of the USS Apollo, NCC-71669, has tried to come up with the best solution regarding
March Plot Summary: USS Apollo
The USS Apollo, NCC-71669, while en route to the Typhon Sector, has encountered a disabled Altoran freighter. A freighter which has been going to great efforts to hide the contents
February Plot Summary: USS Apollo
Once the ship was underway, Captain Andrus Jaxx revealed to the crew the nature of their mission. Over the course of several weeks, Starfleet Command has lost contact with three
Andrus Jaxx launches the USS Apollo
The USS Apollo is the newest vessel in the UFoP: StarBase 118 fleet, and the fleet’s only Achilles-class ship. With her launch, the fleet brings its number of total playable ships
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

USS Khitomer recalled for classified refit amid war efforts

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV

Civilian reporter joins USS Chin’toka, stirring controversy
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Love in the Fleet: Advice for Writing In Character Relationships

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.