Starfleet Officers vanish while exploring Ring 42 Biome
AAVARO WILDS — The USS Juneau (NX-99801) went to the USS Grace Hopper’s help when some of its officers inexplicably vanished while investigating a freshly found Biome of Ring 42.
USS Juneau takes shore leave as Federation presence grows on station
LIGHTSIDE STATION — Crew of USS Juneau (NX-99801) enjoys shore leave on the Spike and welcomes the USS Grace Hopper, a Science and Engineering support vessel to the Aavaro Wilds.
Ownership claims of the planet finally settled by the crew of the USS Juneau
ATURN VI — On the Golden Feather, the ship of the DaiMon Kaybay, who attempted to assert his dominance and ownership of the planet, was the missing team from the
Freed Jem’Hadar reach out for aid after attempted shakedown
ATURN VI — The USS Juneau (NX-99801) made a stop in orbit of the formerly abandoned world of Aturn VII, now home to the Jem’Hadar. The group, now free from
Tragedy strikes the crew of the Juneau during shore leave
LIGHTSIDE STATION — While recovering from the discovery of a species unknown to the Federation and a ship frozen in time in a Black Hole, the crew of the USS
Crew of the USS Juneau discover a thousand-year-old vessel
AAVARO WILDS — A rapid-fire series of discoveries rocked the USS Juneau (NX-99801) on its most recent mission. While exploring the report of a probe, they discovered a Mithgiln vessel
Exploring Shipwrecks Near A Black Hole, USS Juneau Makes An Exciting Discovery
AAVARO WILDS — Preparation made for exciting results, as the USS Juneau (NX-99801) continues exploring the Aavaro Wilds. When the USS Eagle (NCC-74659), later replaced by the Juneau, originally arrived
Juneau Establishes First Contact With New Species
AAVARO WILDS — Arriving back in their patrol region, the USS Juneau (NX-99801) encountered an unknown species of space-borne cephalopod, however at the time they did not realise that the
Coastal Town Of Sunrise Beset By Unusual Events
SUNRISE, NEW YORK — In the last few weeks, weird happenings hit the citizens of the northern coastal town of Sunrise. It all started during the town’s annual Fourth of
USS Juneau Returns To Utopia Planitia After Encounter With Pirates
UTOPIA PLANITIA FLEET YARDS, MARS — Following resolving the Breen led pirate raids within the Aavaro Wilds, the ship’s designers recalled the USS Juneau (NX-99801) to Mars, to see how
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