Sims archive is back online!
We are proud to announce that the renovation of the official sims archive has been completed and released! This new version has a brand new look, faster loading, and now
March 1st – Sims Archive will be deactivated temporarily for version 3 upgrade
I am happy to say though that version 3.0 of the sims archive is in its final stages of development, with a tentative release in April. That being said, A
The Fleet Needs You! How you can get the word out
You may have noticed an increase in our social media activity. For those of you who may not know, social media can be a powerful tool to help grow our
Star Trek and the Coming Year
Star Trek: Discovery is promising to be a fantastic series by approaching the well-established canon and giving everyone a new idea of the world that Gene Roddenberry invented, the truth
Three ways you can help the fleet grow
“How can I help the fleet?” As Facilitator of the Publicity Team, I get this question a lot. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the dedication and love
Get ready for Star Trek Discovery
Netflix recently announced in June that it will be streaming all episodes of Star Trek, including The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager. This is great
Technobabble: The Universal Translator
In Star Trek we have been made familiar with a fictional device called the Universal translator, which allows for instant translation between different species without those species needing to learn
Check out our new sims archive
Our central sims archive is a place to bring together all of the sims that have been submitted to the group, all the way back to the mid-1990s. Unfortunately, while
The Fun of Worldbuilding
Worldbuilding is a cornerstone activity for writers and gamers alike. Without it, our characters would not have a place to live or props to tell stories. This short primer will
New podcast segment: Book Review – The Autobiography of James T. Kirk
One of the many goals of the Podcast Team is to bring new and unique information from the Star Trek world to your ears. One such way that is done
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
Latest News
Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
Lower Decks: Civilian Science Liaison Samantha Richards, Amity Outpost
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.