Alora DeVeau

Picture of Alora DeVeau

Alora DeVeau

A Closer Look: The USS Garuda

To everything there is a season. Recently, two ships have come to the end of their seasons and two more have merely begun theres. One of these ships has included

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Top Picks: For Him!

Do you ever have trouble wondering what to get that special man in your life? Sometimes it can be difficult. However, if your man is a Trekkie, there are some

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The Case Of The Mysterious Stone

In the original Star Trek series, there were several alien beings that would appear or disappear at will and without the use of a teleporter. We don’t have that ability

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Somewhere Over The Rainbow

For years, scientists have touted the big bang theory as the most likely candidate for the creation of the universe and this is where time began – somewhere around 13.8

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Top Picks: Child’s Play

When last we left our Top Picks, we had explored my favourite choices for our Trekkie babies. Babies, however, get older and outgrow all those neat outfits, gadgets, and doodads.

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Say Goodbye To ISON

Have you heard of ISON? If you haven’t, perhaps you haven’t been keeping your eyes upon the stars. ISON is the name given to the comet to have most recently

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