Alora DeVeau
Alora DeVeau

Taskforce in Focus – Wiki Ops Squadron
The Wiki Ops Squadron is a group of members that help organize efforts to keep the wiki updated (such as on the Face List, crew history pages, various duty post

Promotions for December
We’d like to congratulate all who saw their hard work and dedication pay off the last couple of months with a promotion to a higher rank, and we welcome everyone

Captain’s Corner: Lia Rouiancet, USS Octavia E. Butler
Each month, we interview a captain or first officer of the fleet to gain more insight on what it takes to command a ship and learn more about how each

Promotions for October
We’d like to congratulate all who saw their hard work and dedication pay off the last couple of months with a promotion to a higher rank, and we welcome everyone

The Golden Box
Over the years, Starbase 118 has had numerous members join our ranks. Some are with us for a season before they have to take a leave of absence. Some return.

Promotions for August & September 2024
We’d like to congratulate all who saw their hard work and dedication pay off the last couple of months with a promotion to a higher rank, and we welcome everyone

Promotions for July 2024
We’d like to congratulate all who saw their hard work and dedication pay off the last couple of months with a promotion to a higher rank, and we welcome everyone

Lower Decks – Lieutenant Josh Herrick, USS Octavia E. Butler
We’re here with another interview with a newer member of our community. The title of this column is “Lower Decks,” hearkening back to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode

New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest Academy graduates to the StarBase 118 fleet: Xavier Archer and Cecil Valo!

Promotions for May and June 2024
We’d like to congratulate all who saw their hard work and dedication pay off the last couple of months with a promotion to a higher rank, and we welcome everyone
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

Civilian reporter joins USS Chin’toka, stirring controversy

USS Artemis Returns to Deep Space 224 for Shore Leave

Starfleet Infighting and Desperation Mark Federation’s Fragile Defence Against Lattice Alliance
Latest News

Award Winner – Is’Kah Xiron, Chin’toka (Xalor Clan Xifilis Award)

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.