STARBASE 104 — Having sustained significant damage requiring her to be towed from the Shahar Nebula, the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B) puts in for extensive repairs whilst the crew recuperate.
It is a very rare occurrence for a Starfleet vessel to lose a warp nacelle, and to survive the situation that caused its loss. The Constitution not only did in both her battle with two Orion Syndicate ships, but the crew utilised the severed nacelle as a weapon to destroy one of the pirate ships.
All of this created a challenge for the engineers of Starbase 104 dry dock, where the Constitution awaits extensive repairs.
“There’s so much to do here, she’s in a bit of a mess,” commented the ship’s Chief Engineer.
With the Immense-Class starbase fully equipped, such repairs should be easy to handle. Being the Federation’s major starbase in the Marchlands and its southern-most station in Federation Territory, it serves an extensive region of frontier space.
In addition to the damaged vessel, several badly injured crewmembers needed medical treatment. The ship, on arrival at the station, also offloaded several deceased personnel, so their next of kin could retrieve their lost loved ones. Numerous captured Orion pirates also disembarked, immediately taken into custody by security alongside personnel coming from the Dilithium Mine located in the Shahar Nebula.
The Constitution will also receive standard upgrades to her computer software, medical facilities and science laboratories, as well as the installation of the experimental ‘holo chair’ — software designed by the Constitution’s engineers and intended to increase accessibility for all crewmembers.
Written by Saveron