DELUVIA IV — Participants in the Deluvian Regatta’s shuttle league gave forfeit after saving a Rigellian shuttle as shore leave for the crew of the USS Gorkon (NCC-82293) came to an end.
When LtCmdr. Jona ch’Ranni and Lt. Piravao sh’Qynallahr received an emergency call during the Space Regatta, they rushed to the shuttle Silver Shadow’s aid. The ship was on the verge of colliding with Deluvia III. The Gorkon team put their own lives and shuttle at risk to push the Rigellian shuttle out of the planet’s dragging atmosphere.
Having spent too much time on the rescue attempt, they had to forfeit the race. However, the two Andorians returned to the Gorkon knowing they had done precisely what Starfleet would have intended them to do: save an imperilled life.
The ocean league participants fared better on Deluvia IV. The team of three struggled for a noteworthy ninth place in the rowing tournament, with Lt.JGs Toran Sevo and Serren Tan at the oars and Lt. Corliss Fortune as the spotter. This was much to the chagrin of a Ferengi crew who had become trapped in tenth place on their golden boat.
Shore leave concluded with a beach party to celebrate the nuptials of Lt. Valesha Sienilis to Petty Officer First Class Christopher Johns. There was a wide variety of different seafood and beverages during the celebration. Several bonfires dotted the beach, along with a blazing bridge. This provided the crew of the Gorkon with the opportunity to set down their troubled thoughts as their writings burned.
“I’m not sure how a piece of burning paper would help my nightmares go away,” remarked Bolian Crewman First Class Tlik, who appeared weary. “But at this point, I’m willing to try anything.”
The enormous edifice flaked into pieces, endangering the neighbouring environment. Fire crews could still be seen battling the blaze early in the morning. All attendants have been sent warnings that another fire the size of a two-story structure would not be permitted.
The Gorkon’s crew is now en route to Darime IV, where a Pelian colony wants Starfleet’s assistance in a variety of areas. From building a field hospital, to investigate a murder, and visiting excavated remains where several Starfleet cadets had vanished, there is a lot to do.
Written by Samira Neathler