May 2017

Today is our TNG: “Tapestry” watch-along!
This month, in place of our regularly scheduled chat, we’re holding a watch-along! Here’s how it works: You join a special chat room where you can watch a Star Trek

These four donors answered the call – can you join them?
After we started our 2018 fundraising drive a few days ago, we got four donors who answered the call with a haul of over $130! This is a great start

Submit a sim to Round 14 of the Top Sims Contest before it closes
Submitting a sim to the Top Sims Contest is a great way to show your fellow crewmembers that you’re enjoying what their writing. And, it’s easy to do! Here’s how

Poll of the week: Trek vs Realism
There’s no doubt we all love Star Trek, but we also love other forms of science fiction! As the genre has evolved fiction works have tended towards more realist elements.

Listen now to our second podcast of 2394: “Adventure in the fleet”
The Podcast Team is proud to present the second podcast of 2394, titled: Adventure in the Fleet! February podcast highlights: Welcome new Academy graduates to the fleet Ship in focus

Our monthly chat is this Saturday – we’re watching TNG: “Tapestry”!
Every month we hold a fleetwide OOC chat to allow people to gather, mingle, and make new connections. This month, we’re holding our chat a week early – on Saturday, May

Ship Closeup: USS Blackwell
The USS Blackwell is part of a larger story that is being told in the Par’tha Expanse. The Olympic-class vessel is one of four Starfleet ships that make up the
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

StarBase 118 Ops honours crew for heroic actions against rogue AI

USS Khitomer recalled for classified refit amid war efforts

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV
Latest News

Love in the Fleet: Advice for Writing In Character Relationships

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.