The Podcast Team is proud to present the second podcast of 2394, titled: Adventure in the Fleet!
February podcast highlights:
- Welcome new Academy graduates to the fleet
- Ship in focus – double feature for February/March
- Back-to-back interviews with Choi Ji-hu (OOC) and T’Reshik (IC) from the USS Constitution-B
- Dramatic reading: “Understanding of the species,” a Gorkon/Darwin joint-post by LtCmdrs. Icavoc & Skyfire
- Dramatic reading: “Investigation” by Evan Delano
- Special sim archive announcement
- Fleet member promotions from February and March
Ens. Choi Ji-Hu and T’Reshik earn a round of applause for their stellar interviews as they both give unique OOC and IC perspectives on the Constitution.
Click here to listen now!