BRIAR PATCH — The crew of the USS Doyle-A has escaped their captivity from the slaver group Sisterhood of Chains.
After being captured by the Sisterhood of Chains on the planet of Pariah deep within the Briar Patch, the crew fought their way to freedom in a bloody struggle through the slaver organization’s new planetary base. They cut power to the base and then stole a retrofitted transport shuttle to get off the planet. Meanwhile, the USS Doyle-A had already dispatched to search for the missing crew, under the command of its recently arrived first officer, Commander David Cody.
Quickly dispensing with a couple of prisoners, the crew worked around the clock to evacuate from the planet and immediately enter quarantine because of heavy lead isotope exposure. Returning to Deep Space 285, a snafu came about as Doyle commanding officer Captain Faranfey learned she had acquired a new first officer without her knowledge and consent, leading to a brief miscommunication before things worked out.
“Oh?” Commander David Cody said, a somewhat grim smile. “At least not by its officially recognized commanding officer. At least you’re in a position to choose now.”
“You tell me twice to choose who I would like,” Captain Selene Faranfey responded. “Explaining your decision… I understand that. But I don’t accept it. Because, if you want me to have a choice, then, I hope you will accept ‘my’ offer.”
One of the prisoners, an Orion known as Fotia, a former shipmaster of the Sisterhood, attempted to launch a civil suit against the crew of the USS Doyle-A, but suddenly disappeared from the Starbase after a nondescript Terran male disrupted a meeting between her and her legal team, leading the command staff to suspect Starfleet Intelligence may have swept in.
The crew is currently recovering from their ordeal with the Sisterhood and enjoying shore leave with the recent announcement of the upcoming Annual Starfleet Ball issued by Colonel Nugra. Several families from the crew have flown in to add to an increased buzz on the upcoming festivities. It is unknown whether Commander Cody will resume providing his culinary talents for fine cuisine as he has done for Starfleet Balls in the past.
Starfleet crew frees themselves from slave traders
Starfleet crew frees themselves from slave traders
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