April 2015

Forums Roundup: April 2015

April is here, and with it, springtime (for my part of the world) is in full swing. Warmer temperatures mean a lot more time outside, meaning that so much online

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March 2015 Post Totals

March 2015 saw most of the ships of the fleet settle into a comfortable groove. Sim numbers across the fleet were some of the most stable, ship to ship, that

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Poll of the Week: Q-Tip!

Star Trek just wouldn’t be Star Trek if not for reoccurring antagonists in each series. The Original Series had the Klingons, Deep Space 9 the Cardassians, Voyager, the Borg and

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Riots Erupt on StarBase 118

STARBASE 118 — After offering sanctuary to a damaged civilian freighter, an unexplained madness has gripped the civilian population and portions of the crew, inciting them to deadly riots. Following

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April fleetwide OOC chat

Set your calendar: Our next chat is scheduled for Sunday, April 12th at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern (US) / 5pm GMC UTC (UK) / 4am Monday UTC+11 (AUS). Note

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