May 2014
An Island Among Men
AKA: Why is no one interested in my character? One of the most common difficulties experienced among Starbase 118 members is the feeling that their character is alone, completely isolated
Watching The Watchers
I would take a wild guess and assume that most of you, if not all of you, have watched episodes of Star Trek. I think that I may have actually
Psychology Tomorrow! My Character Hates Counsellors
Good afternoon. You’re listening to ‘Psychology Tomorrow!’ on Federation Public Subspace Radio 2. Psychology Tomorrow is a look at issues, topics, and advice related to the all things Counselling in

Holiday (and Tie-in) Writing Challenges
Holiday-themed Writing Challenges have been a recurred several times lately, most recently with March & April 2014’s Easter-themed “Rabbits!” Challenge. However, these special Challenges are just as likely not to question
SDC Spotlight: The Zora Fel
“Glory in your enemies strength. It makes victory even sweeter.” – a Zora Fel proverb. The Zora Fel are a species of unusual contradictions. The men are all warriors who
April plot summary for the USS Apollo
Once the USS Apollo, NCC-71669 had evacuated all its non-critical personnel and the families from within its walls, it was left with just enough crew to try to hold off

New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Kimiko Chun and Gwen Gardener!

Featured Bio Contest Reminder
Please remember to nominate a character bio for the latest round of the Featured Bio Contest before it closes on Sunday, June 1, 2014. Just check these three simple points: Nominated articles must

April plot summary for the USS Atlantis
The surprise attack by the Endangered Jenatris Species radical environmentalist group was thwarted by the timely arrival of Krayav escort vessels. Though the EJS may have vanished for now and
The Greatest of Them All
As spring draws into summer on the north side of our planet, more and more re-runs will be shown on television as networks realized long ago that people would rather
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

SOS from the past spurs an investigation of the Atrian Reaches

Gorkon crew undertakes high-stakes mission in Borg controlled universe

USS Astraeus crew escapes rogue planet amid terraforming crisis
Latest News
Rising Through the Ranks – Lieutenant Commander Luxa Lorana – USS Ronin

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.