March 2012
February Plot Summary: USS Avandar
Seven months have passed for the crew of the USS Avandar since crash landing on Eden, and still no rescue has come. Ensign Mancuso has worked his engineering magic, giving
Mixed Berry Cobbler
Poor Trip, fending off ladies of all species who find him simply irresistible! In “Stigma,” it’s one of Dr. Phlox’s wives, Feezal. Trip desperately tries to keep Hoshi at the
New Academy Graduate
Please welcome our newest Academy graduate to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Blake Atwood!
Donation thanks to Eric Lundrigan!
Another donation from one of our members! Many thanks to Eric Lundrigan, of the USS Discovery-C, who donated just a few days ago to help keep our website ad free.
Reality Buried Deep Within Science Fiction
The realm of science fiction is unique in the fact that it can encompass many things. From futuristic spaceships to the idea that there really are aliens living somewhere out
Poll of the Week: Where In the World?
This week, Poll of the Week asks whereabouts in the world you hail from? With so many people spread out across the world, we’re an international fleet, and we’d love
Donation thanks to Eden Redstone!
Many thanks to Eden Redstone, of the USS Discovery-C, who donated this past week to our site. Members have now donated 35% of our necessary costs for 2012! We’re very
Next Fleetwide OOC Chats
Our next chat is coming up, so mark your calendars! We’re now holding two chats, rather than just one, to ensure that both America and the United Kingdom can attend
February Plot Summary: USS Drake
The crew of the USS Drake -1987 arrived back from shore leave and soon realised LtCmdr Whale the ship’s COS was missing. Deciding that their orders allowed enough flexibility to
Carbon Creek Chili
Ever wonder what it would be like to eat that which the crew of Enterprise ate? Help comes from outer space via North Hollywood! Enterprise food stylist Dorothy Duder delivering
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
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OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.