Following the wedding of the LtCmdr. Ethan Brice and LtCmdr. Karynn Ehlanii, the crew of the USS Independence-A, NX-1776-A, was given some time to wrap up their shore leave plots. Then, following a request from Ambassador Kare’en m’Hapron m’Adrina who is stationed on a new Romulan colony in the Ithassa region, the crew was recalled for their next mission. The senior staff gathered for a mission briefing, which began with promotions followed by a ceremony for changing the registry number of the USS Independence-A. No longer an experimental vessel, the ship now carries the registration NCC-1776-A. This was followed by a summary of the situation within the Romulan colony which has been struggling with flooding and poor water quality, along with insufficient medical supplies and facilities. The ship’s senior staff was divided into three teams: one to design and build a water reclamation system, one to design and build levees against flooding, and one to set up proper medical facilities for the colony. After significant time for questions which included the level of technology that could be used during this mission, the senior staff was dismissed. Since then, each of the three teams have met to discuss and plan their various aspects of the mission. Additionally, members of the crew have found some time to participate in activities and scenes that facilitate character development.
Keep up with the Independence crew on their e-mail list!
Independence plot summary for April
Independence plot summary for April
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