WIM 2014
Revisiting the Plot: How to Create the Base of a Convincing Story
Without a good plot, or a story to follow, our characters are basically just muddling around in the dark. Every player knows that if there are no problems to solve,
Tension: The Story’s Warp Drive
Your story could transport readers to strange new worlds, but without tension in the right measure, it’s sure to be an unmanned mission. Tension is the warp drive that pulls
Roleplaying in 3-D Event Today!
Looking to make your characters three dimensional without the use of special glasses? The good news is, it’s easy to do! All it takes is a little planning, a healthy
Revisiting Characterization: Adding the Spark of Life to Your Characters
There’s one thing some long-time members know well; if you play them right, and you give them enough of a spark of life, your characters will actually grow into their
Even More Character Questions!
Last year, we bombarded you with 25 questions to really get you thinking about your character. This year, the list is a little shorter but more in depth – just
Definitive Tips on Including Exposition in Your Sims
If you’re looking to include more exposition in your sims, but you’re not quite sure where to start, we know you’ll get something out of this week’s Writing Improvement Month
Revisiting Exposition: Adding That Magic to a Sim
There are two kinds of sims out there that you’ve probably read; ones that are simple and answer the directives given by others in prior sims, and those that really
Scene Setting Prompts for Writing Great Sims
Setting the scene well is important because it’s what brings the environment to life and can transport the reader to strange and new places. It can spark the imagination, add
Starbase 118 Welcomes Author Melinda Snodgrass
As part of our Writing Improvement Month, Starbase 118 would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere thanks To Melinda Snodgrass, Author of the urban fantasy stories This Case
Fun Grammar Test Answer Sheet
So how did you do on this week’s grammar test? Here’s the answers to the ten questions we asked. Be sure to read more of our tutorials or contact your
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Multiple Members of USS Ronin crew trapped throughout time amidst temporal incident at B’hala
The Chin’toka Takes On New Possible Threat In The Partha Expanse
Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
Latest News
Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.