Site Updates
CC/EC pages updated
The CC & EC pages have been updated to reflect changes to the councils.
Navigation menu updated
The navigation menu has been updated to remove out-of-date choices, update some links to point to the wiki, and update the active ship links.
Fleet area updated
The fleet page has been updated to reflect changes to our active vessels.
CC/EC pages updated
The CC & EC pages have been updated to reflect changes to the councils.
Top Sims Contest revamped
The entire TSC area has been revamped to reflect the new contest overhaul.
Updated sidebar
The menu has been updated to switch around some of the “community” items. We’ve also changed “Special Events” to “Events & Activities” to reflect the launch of the upcoming “Free-form
Bookmarking widget added
We’ve now added a “bookmarking widget” to the site in the footer. It used to be a few text links, but now you can hover over the widget and choose
Fleet area updated
The fleet active and inactive pages have been updated to reflect recent fleet changes.
Councils area updated
The Captains Council page has been updated to reflect changes in the fleet.
“Assistant Chief” rank updated
On the rosters, the “Asst.” positions now read “Asst. Chief X Officer” to make it clearer that these are Assistant Chiefs as opposed to just “Assistant Engineering Officers” or whatnot.
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Devious Orion Syndicate Program Wreaks Havoc on StarBase 118
Memories of Combat Fade, Bonds Strengthen for USS Khitomer
Latest News
Lower Decks interview: Lieutenant JG Sevantha Saa, USS Astraeus.
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.