Graphics Contest

Submit your entry for the StarBase 118: Graphic Contest 2023! Deadline extended!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we’re off! Thanks to our winners last year, the theme of this round is: “Through Hardship Into the Stars” From the vibrant and mysterious flora to the otherworldly fauna,

Get ready for the StarBase 118: Graphic Contest 2023!
Buckle up because the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! The annual competition that sets your creative engines ablaze is back and ready to take on all

Winners of the new StarBase 118: Graphic Contest 2022!
Our judges have pondered and deliberated over the beautifully crafted entries submitted for the StarBase 118: Graphic Contest 2022, and we can now reveal the winners are…

Submit your entry for the new StarBase 118: Graphic Contest 2022!
We are proud to present you a brand new… StarBase 118: Graphic Contest! After a long hiatus, we are back with an annual competition to invoke the imagination and see

A look back at the Graphics Contest
The Graphics Contest was recently retired after more than a year of amazing graphical creations. There are some fond memories and incredible artwork over the time-period it ran, and we’d

Graphics Contest: Join the last round!
Is the Flash fast enough to run to a spaceship and rescue them from pirates? Will Tank Girl join Starfleet on the battlefield? Would anyone mistake Megamind for a Bolian?

Graphics Contest: Join the Spring Crossover
Have you ever thought that Star Trek would go really well with another of your favourite shows? Now you can show us your ideas for the best Star Trek crossover

Graphics Contest: Join the Spring Crossover
Did you ever wonder how well the Serenity would deal with Klingons? Or have you thought about bringing Trills to Lexx? Maybe the Hulk enters the Enterprise by smashing through

Graphics Contest: Join the Spring Crossover
With a new season comes a new round of the graphics contest – join us in the Spring fling! We want to see your ideas for crossovers. Be it any

Graphic Contest: Winter Winners and Spring Theme announced
The holiday time was as special as always and we have added the hint of spark with our Graphic Contest theme “Holidays: Mission possible”. Our participants have shown us their
We are a star trek roleplaying game
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OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.