PANKOT III – On the ancient Chalnoth planet of Pankot, the crew of the USS Arrow (NCC 69829) split into teams to cover as much ground as possible to retrieve the Claw of Chalna.
On the ancient Chalnoth planet of Pankot, the crew of the USS Arrow (NCC 69829) split into teams to cover as much ground as possible. Each team arrived at an unusual location on the planet, including an ancient temple, a sand plateau hiding hidden caves, and an ice field home to a tribal throne room.
Encountering traps and misdirections, each team had to overcome certain odds to be successful. Team 2, led by First Officer LtCmdr. Maz Rodan encountered the Breen in a surprising twist. Holding a base in the temple, the Breen had captured a Chalnoth nun named Nessak, who helped the team escape.
After coming face to face with a mysterious Guardian in the caves, Team 3, led by Cmdr. Ash MacKenna successfully retrieved the relic known as the Claw of Chalna after LtCmdr. R’Ariel telepathically contacted the being.
Meanwhile, Chalnoth Captains Messoq and Morrack bandied words with each other, who had the rightful claim to the Claw, and attempted to take it by force.
“Neither captain vying for the Claw was good enough to rule,” said the ship’s Historian Lt. Silur Chanht Cree. “It’s sad to see how a rich and vibrant culture such as ancient Chalna succumbed to chaos and anarchy. Perhaps one day the species might reunite in peace.”
After lowering a dampening forcefield, Capt. Randal Shayne recalled the crew to the ship as they fought a final battle above the planet. Nessak, who turned out to be a biotechnical hologram, explained that she and others like her were really the power behind the Claw of Chalna, and decided that neither Morrack nor Messoq were worthy to unite their species.
On the ship, officers such as CPO Velina Frell, Ens. Tarisai and Ferentis, Lt. JG Darrel Manx, LtCmdrs. Henry Jones and Roxy Wilde investigated who or what was changing the coding of the replicators, why it was snowing on the bridge, and why there were two Chalnoth children running around the ship.
The Arrow has since left orbit of Pankot and is now enjoying shore leave.
Written by Maz Rodan