PAR’THA EXPANSE — Learning the Federation has put out a call for new colonists to settle in the Expanse, the USS Chin’toka (NCC-97187) has recently departed for the Capital of the Par’tha Expanse, Oscion.
Oscion is located near the centre of the Expanse and is considered neutral territory by all the Great Houses. It is home to the Great Council comprising members from each of the seven Houses of the Expanse Sector, and the members of the Senate.
“It’s a veritable hub of politics,” commented Commander Serala about Oscion. “They seem to have some strict rules for solving their differences with violence while on the planet.”
Once the senior officers finished their briefing, they broke up to begin their various tasks. Chief among these are locating ideal sites for a colony and background research on the various diplomats for each House.
Some locations mentioned as candidates are Krotar, Pultar, Samnar, and Zalenaedere.
Representatives expected to attend are from Houses Rettan, Larokon, Barahn, and Tadere (reportedly courting a relationship with the Valcarian Imperial Republic, a source of contention for the Federation crew) amongst others.
While this mission is one of diplomacy, the Akira-class starship received a new complement of Peregrine fighters leaving us and others in Oscion to wonder just how peaceful they expect this mission to be.
This mission follows several promotions and a complete realignment and integration of the now-defunct experimental SOR Team (Strategic Operational Response Team) into the Security and Tactical departments, now overseen by Second Officer, Lt.Cmdr Toryn Raga.
Reportedly, a pair of Dakota-class starships, the USS Santee and the USS Yanktonai, have prepared for long-term deployment in the Par’tha Expanse, and we can only assume that they are headed there as a support for the pending colony, should it come to fruition.
Written by Serala