STARBASE 118 OPS — The crew of Starbase 118 Ops leaps into action to push the Klingon Cult followers back, undermining and countering their control and weapons manufacturing.
Fleet Captain Sal Taybrim and his crew set their sights on taking the fight to the Cult of Molor followers. Upon their return to Starbase 118, they sprang into action. Three teams each had a major part to play. Diplomacy with Klingons, a counter agent for a deadly poison, and a hunt for a missing officer after the attack on Earth.
Lieutenant Dante Termine led the diplomats in a private meeting with influential members of the Klingon Empire. Their goal set to convince the Klingons of the troubles brewing within their territories. A hard issue to address with such a proud group of people. Two Klingon high officials, Councilor Odex and Klingon Captain Kregael arrived as representatives.
“They won’t be easy to sway,” said First Class Crewman Borq, a Klingon. “But Fleet Cpt. Taybrim, Lieutenants Dante Termine and Prudence Blackwell, Lt JG Wallace Williams and his younger brother, Terrance Williams, are beginning to lay the foundation of a truce which hopefully is successful.”
Evidence was provided of Cult activities from past interactions with the Starbase 118 Ops crew. Captain Kregael and Councilor Odex remained hot-headed and sceptical respectively, however, both listened to reason. Once evidence of illicit activity onboard Klingon vessels came to light, Kregael, Odex, along with two of his crew, Lieutenant Kelas and personal aid, Lady Shult, and several Starfleet officers began to search ships and station for a rogue signal to the Orion Syndicate. The old Klingon councillor left the hunt to the youthful and remained with Taybrim to continue to evaluate claims of dishonour within the Empire through the Cult and Syndicate.
Lt Commander German Galven led a team of scientists and doctors to delve into the latest bio-weapon. A deadly poison used to eradicate large populations, primarily the Klingons. Preliminary summary suggested the Orion Syndicate played a part in the manufacturing of the poisonous gas. Galven, Doctor Stendhal, LtJG Kteer and the once CoS, now civilian, Mr Taelon, worked to better understand the poison and find a way to stem the source before anyone else succumbs to the deadly manufactured bioweapon.
“A daunting task, even for such a skilled group,” explained Galven. “We’re hoping to figure out an antidote to counteract the hypersensitive agents. I feel we’re making progress!”
The last team set their sights on tracking down a Starfleet officer who vanished under suspicious circumstances, right after the attack on earth. Lt Commanders Solaris McLaren and Nijil led a team of six to Spaceport Miranda VII, ex-officer Sarah Lawrens last known location, run by a minor mob with ties to a competing family trying to take over the Orion syndicate. Rumours of a turf war abound. The teams split up into three groups of two to better search for Lawrens. Lieutenant JGs Sheila Bailey and Rebecca Owens spotted their target in a brawl with some rather ugly thugs, while LtCmdr Nijil and Malko retreated to the MTF shuttle to keep station’s security from blowing their cover.
“It was crazy, that human girl first fought off those Nausicaans’s just to be tackled by a woman on crutches!” said a Bolian female, who wished only to be listed as Mara. “I have a medical supply shop to run! They fell down the stairwell which nearly destroyed my valuables!”
Officers under secret cover and disguise continue their efforts, working alongside with the rest of the Ops crew.
Written by Rustyy Hael
Starbase 118 Ops Crew Begins Offensive Against The Cult Of Molor
Starbase 118 Ops Crew Begins Offensive Against The Cult Of Molor

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