March post counts

March post counts

Moving into April, past the joking of the first, we can reflect back on March with some good memories. The seven ships currently in the fleet have maintained strong simming habits. Every ship in the fleet maintained a stronger sim count than the fleet’s average a year ago of 164. Only three times since 2009 has our March average hit above 200, with those times being 2009, 2012 and this year! Way to go fleet!
Looking back on March, in comparison to February, we can see some ships have gotten off their mission highs and heading into shore leave, while others have walked right into them. It’s the way of the flow of the fleet. During shore leave, we expect to see more joint posts being submitted to the counts, which seems to impact the totals a bit. The strongest of the ships for this month is the Doyle-A, which seems to have picked up past it’s winter slump, rocking the charts for this month with 244 sims.
After looking back on our strength in March, and the fleet’s history through the years in April, we will be looking at another good month. Have fun and keep those sims coming!

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