TALOS SECTOR — Starfleet Command reports that the USS Constitution-B has gone missing during a routine survey mission.
After successfully ridding their ship of Borg nanites, the Constitution had traveled to Starbase 11 to begin shore leave. Many of the crew took to the surface, including the ship’s commanding officer Cmdr. Jalana Rajel and LtCmdr. T’Mar who had some catching up to do, while others enjoyed a game of poker on the ship. Everyone enjoyed taking the time to relax and forget about the Borg situation.
Repairs were made to the ship and additional scans were run to guarantee that no Borg nanites remained on the ship. After shore leave, the Constitution headed out to the Talos Sector to conduct a routine sensor sweep.
By all accounts, the patrol was going as planned and had been entirely uneventful. In a message to Captain Faranfey of the USS Doyle, Cmdr. Rajel reported that all sensor readings were standard with no anomalies.
Shortly after the message went out, however, Starfleet lost contact with the Constitution. After several attempts to contact the Constitution were unsuccessful, additional ships were sent out to the Constitution’s last known location, where they discovered that the Constitution was no longer there.
With no debris found thus far, Starfleet representatives are hopeful that the Constitution has not been destroyed. Sensors have found what appears to be the remnants of a subspace field, which may or may not have contributed to the Constitution’s disappearance.
“I want to assure everyone, especially the families of those serving aboard the Constitution, that we are doing everything to locate her,” said Starfleet Public Affairs officer Commander A.J. Ciaravolo in San Francisco during a press briefing.
He added that Starfleet has dispatched two vessels, the USS Cronkite and the USS Bouazizi, to join the search already underway for the missing Galaxy class vessel and the 1,000 crew members aboard.
USS Constitution goes missing in the Talos Sector
USS Constitution goes missing in the Talos Sector

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