This week’s poll is brought to you thanks to a suggestion made by Ensign Wanda DyAmone of the USS Drake. Thank you for your suggestion. Remember everyone that if you want to see something specific in a weekly poll, please add your suggestion to the suggestion thread, and I will get back to you usually before the next poll is released.
Another big genre in films, books, comics, and games is that of superheroes. It is easy to see how tales of men and women dressing up in vibrant outfits, possessing amazing supernatural abilities, and having a passion for fighting crime are so compelling. The idea of such a person overcoming injustice and battling evil is quite inspiring, not to mention fun to see. You all know what I am talking about, as there are as many superheroes as there are planets in the galaxy. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Catwoman, and the Invisible Woman are just a few. The list goes on and on, but if there is one thing that all of these superheroes have in common, besides flashy costumes (most of which include some form of spandex and masks), is that they all have appeared in their own movies. Some even appear in more than one movie, not counting the remakes!
It seems that as popular as superheroes are in comic books and TV series, they are just as popular with movie producers. So, it seems that no matter how old the hero or heroine is in terms of when they were originally created in Hollywood, studios will continue to produce superhero movies and will continue to remake the classics. Take for instance the most recent Batman trilogy produced by Christopher Nolan. But, is there a point where some heroes simply do not need to be featured in their own films? That is to say, are there some heroes or heroines that shouldn’t even get to the silver screen? And if that is the case, which ones do not deserve to be given the honor of being made into multimillion dollar film icons.
Now, as usual it’s time for you to voice your opinions and comment, as well as vote, on the forums. There are so many to choose from, but I am sure that you all have some ideas. I know that I do, after all of those morning cartoons featuring the everlasting classics. But, we want to hear what you have to say. Remember voting is just half the fun.
Have fun everyone!
Poll of the Week: Masks, Capes, and Spandex
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