November Fleetwide OOC Chat

November Fleetwide OOC Chat

Mark your calendars for the next fleetwide chat, coming up on Sunday, November 10th at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern (US) / 6pm GMT (UK) / 5am Monday UTC+11 (AUS). Always check your time zone for accuracy/DST if applicable!
To participate, simply head to our online chat room, at: — if you have problems connecting, use the instructions listed below the chat box.
Our fleetwide chats are a space for all the members of the StarBase 118 group to get together and talk in real time about everything that’s happening within the group. Come by and see what goings-on are happening off your ship! Chats are always held on the second Sunday of every month, but you can head into the chat room at any time to see who else is there.

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