July 9, 2005
Morningstar Added to Fleet Area
The USS Morningstar, replacing the USS Titan, has been added to the Active Fleet area.
Titan: Taking Wing
By Commander John W. Sheriden The book Titan: Taking Wing is the first of a series of books focussing on the USS Titan, the ship Captain William T. Riker commands.
Ship closeup – Aurora
There’s been a new addition to the Starbase 118 fleet recently: the Nova-class USS Aurora, NCC -72750, under the command of Commander Megan Elise Parker.
From Lower Decks – Ensign Hidek
By Commander Rhys Bejain In the first of a regular column, Commander Rhys Bejain of the Kodiak interviews one of the new recruits to UFoP, Ensign Hidek of the Family
Mind Meld by John Vornholt
Reviewed by Captain Rocar An older Star Trek book but still worth a read. This novel is set in the late Movie era of Star Trek, probably after Star Trek
Morningstar Added to Fleet Area
The USS Morningstar, replacing the USS Titan, has been added to the Active Fleet area.
Shop / Donate Area Back Online
The Shop / Donate area has been brought back online in new and updated form. You can now find the Paypal/Amazon donation areas, Amazon referral stores, and a new Affiliate
Fixed Constitution Errors
Fixed some grammar errors on the Constitution. Thanks to Rhys Bejain for pointing them out.
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Latest Mission Reports
Memories of Combat Fade, Bonds Strengthen for USS Khitomer
Latest News
Lower Decks interview: Lieutenant JG Sevantha Saa, USS Astraeus.
Award winner – Addison MacKenzie, Artemis (Christopher Pike Pendant)
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.