Poll of the Week: Don’t leave me hanging
This week we are back with a poll suggested to us by Lieutenant Jorus Cogud of the USS Discovery. Quite often when it comes to television series, besides from the
Poll of the Week: The need for speed
While it may be true that there are times that the journey is more important then the destination, other time all we care about is getting to that destination as
Voyager 1 Discovers a New Highway
Originally launched from Earth with its twin counterpart, Voyager 2, Voyager 1 has achieved a landmark status by being the most distant man-made spacecraft still in operation since leaving
Poll of the Week: Just turn it off 4
We’re back again with another edition of “Just turn it off.” It’s the second-to-last edition, if you’re feeling tempted to close the browser window! Now, if you’re still reading, that
Poll of the Week: The Road not Taken Lightly
I am sure that a wise man once said, “a life without purpose isn’t worth living”, or something to that effect. So it comes as little surprise that the crew
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Memories of Combat Fade, Bonds Strengthen for USS Khitomer
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Lower Decks interview: Lieutenant JG Sevantha Saa, USS Astraeus.
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