Capt. Nugra honored with the Simming Prize
We’re so very proud to announce that Capt. Nugra has been awarded the Simming Prize, also known as the Seth Cotis Medal of Honor, for “exemplifying service, quality, and dedication
Trained by the best: John Nugra
Each month we interview a member of the Academy Training Team for insight on how our training works, and as recognition for all the hard work that goes into training
An interview with the Captains Council Magistrate
Today we’re talking with Jon, who you may know as Captain Nugra formerly of the USS Victory, now playing the character Tribune Shiarrael aboard the USS Columbia. With his new
Donations thanks to Nugra
Cmdr. Nugra, CO of the USS Victory, began a recurring donation recently — many thanks to him for his generosity. Donations like this help keep our website ad-free and ensure
Nugra Takes the Center Chair
When I first joined UFOP:SB118 back in 2005, the fleet was a very different place. However, at least one thing connects that time and this: A Gorn character named Nugra was
We are a star trek roleplaying game
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Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
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Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.