Andrus Jaxx

Background Check: Andrus Jaxx
::A pale white light appears through the darkness in the distance. Gentle sounds of low-pitched chimes and haunting plucked strings echo softly. The camera slowly zooms in on a shadowy

July Featured Bio Winner
Rear Admrial Jaxx is a high ranking Betazoid officer of great renown having commanded the USS Victory, Starbase 118 Ops and the USS Apollo. A great many officers have served
The Admiral’s Corner – Rear Admiral Andrus Jaxx
On April 6, 2014, Andrus Jaxx was officially promoted the to rank of Rear Admiral. The News Team previously interviewed then Captain Jaxx in early 2012 as part of a

Congratulations, Andrus Jaxx!
Today, we congratulate Andrus Jaxx on his promotion to the rank of fleet captain! The Executive Council notified Fleet Captain Jaxx of his promotion on October 19th, when they made
Captain’s Corner – Andrus Jaxx
Character Name: Andrus Jaxx Rank and Current Post: Captain, Commanding Officer StarBase 118/USS Victory Real Name: Jay Part of the World you’re from: North Carolina, United States What is your
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

Federation relief mission faces uncertainty on Koreli IV

Civilian reporter joins USS Chin’toka, stirring controversy

USS Artemis Returns to Deep Space 224 for Shore Leave
Latest News

Award Winner – Is’Kah Xiron, Chin’toka (Xalor Clan Xifilis Award)

OOC Activities
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