The Golden Box

The Golden Box

Over the years, Starbase 118 has had numerous members join our ranks.  Some are with us for a season before they have to take a leave of absence. Some return. Some don’t. Others have come and remained with us for years, and a few among have worked their way up through the ranks to launch a ship or base of their own.  This in itself is no small feat, but there are a small number who have not only been long time members, but have served as long time Commanding Officers. 

This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Admiral Quinn Reynolds who has been a steadfast presence on SB118.  Quinn Reynolds was promoted to Commander under then-Rear Admiral Rocar Drawoh, and upon her taking over the USS Eagle after his reassignment, became the third Commanding Officer to descend from his line on the UFOP Fleet’s Family Tree. 

She subsequently took the center chair on the USS Drake.  After a brief break as a commanding officer, and while in service to Starfleet Intelligence, Reynolds took command of the USS Gorkon on 239207.14 and has remained her Captain ever since. 

In her time since becoming a CO, Rear Admiral Reynolds has successfully guided one other officer to Command, with Captain William Rogers taking over the Drake after Reynolds left the vessel.

As of 240103.03, Reynolds served her 3650th day as Commanding Officer, reaching the 10 year milestone, and has as of this tally served faithfully as the Gorkon’s Commanding Officer for over 9 years of that tenure.  In recognition of this great milestone, Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds’ box on the Family Tree will henceforth be colored Gold, an honour only granted once before in this fleet’s existence.

Thank you for your continued service, Rear Admiral. And as the Gorkonites say, “We succeed together in a greater whole.

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